What is semi-conductor?
Semiconductor (Semiconductor) is a substance that has an intermediate conductivity between conductors and insulators. Semiconductors act as an insulator at low temperatures and are electrically conductive at room temperature. Called “semiconductor” (the word “sell” in the meaning of Pinyin means half), because this substance can conduct electricity under certain conditions, or in another condition will not conduct electricity. Semiconductors can change when there are impurities, different impurities can create different semiconductors. Where two different semiconductors are bonded together, it creates a contact layer. The properties of charged particles such as electrons, ions and electron holes in this contact layer are the basis for today’s modern diodes, transistors and electronic devices.
Semiconductor devices offer a range of useful properties, such as adjusting the direction and path of electricity in a different direction, changing the resistance through light or heat. Because semiconductor devices can change their properties through impurities or light or heat, they are often used to expand, short-circuit electrical circuits or convert energy.
The modern view is that quantum physics is used to explain semiconductor properties through the movement of charged particles in a crystal structure. [1] Impurities significantly change this property of semiconductors. If one mixes up and creates more holes in a semiconductor, it is called a p-type semiconductor, whereas if it creates more free-moving electrons in a semiconductor, it is called a semiconductor. type n. Accurate mixing of impurities and combining p-n semiconductors together can create electronic components with extremely high operating accuracy.
Silicon, germanium and gallium compounds are most widely used as semiconductors in electronic components.
The first practical application of semiconductors was in 1904 with the Cat’s-whisker detector (roughly translated as “cat beard detector”) with a pure semiconductor diode. Later, thanks to the development of quantum physics theory, a transistor was created in 1947 and the first integrated circuit in 1958.
Modern materials science has discovered organic semiconductors and it is getting initial applications, which are organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), organic solar cells and field transistors. organic (OFET).
Current semi-conductor application
Because semiconductors are not commonly sold in stores like electrical appliances, it may be difficult to imagine for many people, but in reality, it is used in many devices today. .
– Temperature sensors are in air conditioners made from semiconductors. The rice cooker can cook rice perfectly thanks to the precise temperature control system that uses semiconductors. CPUs of computer CPUs are also made from semiconductor materials.
– Many digital consumer products like cell phones, cameras, TVs, washing machines, refrigerators and LED light bulbs also use semiconductors.
– In addition to consumer electronics, semiconductors also play a central role in the operation of ATMs, trains, the internet, communications and many other devices in social infrastructure, such as in The health network is used to provide health care for the elderly, etc. In addition, an effective logistics system will help save energy, promote global environmental conservation.
There is no denying the benefits semiconductors bring to people today. With the advent of semiconductors today has contributed a significant part in the development of electrical products today.